House System
General Information ∕ House System ∕ Fine Arts
City State Houses
At Samuel Fuller School, we desire to be a community that promotes spiritual growth through engaging the heart, soul, and mind. We recognize that the right structure is critical to the outcome. Structure alone will not accomplish anything of note without the active participation of parents, students, and teachers.
Within this scope, we want to create thoughtful traditions. As a part of this overall picture, we believe that a community structure, which we call the City State House System, is of great benefit to the SFS students in personal development. It creates a venue for every student to be a part of something together.
Leadership Development – Using this structure gives us the apparatus to promote leadership development. Leadership is something that can be learned through opportunity better than it can be taught. Leadership starts with good character and integrity and is exhibited through opportunities for initiative in service.
Character Development – The development of character goes hand in hand with the training of the mind. Right thinking should lead to right practice. In addition to the training of the intellect our house system strives to place the development of good manners, and character traits such as integrity and love for God and neighbor as a part of its ethos.
Reaching Out – As a part of the community we want to develop at Samuel Fuller School, service is an essential part of the culture and expectation of our community. Character is forged through doing, and organized service projects serve us in this objective.
Upon entrance to Samuel Fuller School, students are assigned to a house, in which they will remain through the 8th grade. Our houses are named after ancient Greek City States and each house has its own virtue and mascot.
Throughout the year the City States compete in games and challenges. Participation in these activities encourages teamwork, builds community across ages and grades, and provides leadership opportunities for the 8th grade students who head the City States. The 8th grade leaders guide their teams through the activities and even plan some of their own.
The City State competition culminates at the end of the year with Olympic Week, which includes dress-up days, games, and events. On the final day of that week, Olympic Day, members of all teams participate in Olympic-style athletic events and an awards ceremony.
In addition to our K-8th grade City State teams, our High School students have competed to earn points for their respective houses, and a portion of their points contribute to the overall City State point totals. The High School houses correspond with our K-8 City States.