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Our Vision & Purpose

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Our Mission & Vision

Samuel Fuller School exists to support Christian parents in educating their children to serve God as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ by providing a classical Christian education that is rooted in the Word of God.


Our vision is to graduate students who love and serve God with wisdom, grace, truth, and courage. We want them to recognize God as the beginning and end of all true knowledge. We want them to be known as men and women who listen carefully, think critically, communicate eloquently, serve compassionately, and represent Jesus Christ faithfully. We hope to raise the standard of godliness in our culture one student at a time and thereby advance Christ’s kingdom in this world. 

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Our Purpose

Samuel Fuller School offers an education that begins with the end in mind: the formation of a whole human person, who will mature, flourish, and bear fruit. The purpose of our education is to cultivate the minds and hearts of our students by . . .

Teaching all subjects as part of an integrated whole with Christ at the center as we implement a Classical Model of Education.

Providing a clear model of Biblical Christian living.

Supporting Christian parents in their duty to raise their children to know and love God.

Encouraging every student to develop a love for God and his world and to achieve his academic potential for the glory of his Creator and Redeemer.

Providing an orderly atmosphere conducive to the attaining of these goals.

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